Let curiosity move you to do big things

A liberal arts education builds the knowledge and versatile skills to excel.


Classics and Religious Studies, English, Film Studies, French, German, History, Philosophy, Spanish

Natural and Mathematical Sciences

Actuarial Science, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Data Science, Geology, Mathematics, Meteorology-Climatology, Microbiology, Physics

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Anthropology, Communication Studies, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology

Interdisciplinary Studies

Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Ethnic Studies, Global Studies, Women's and Gender Studies

Student Ambassadors

Ambassador team in Oldfather Hall

These undergraduate students promote awareness of the college's academic programs and activities!

Share Your Husker Story

Spotlight collage

Students, alumni, and faculty can share stories about opportunities and experiences at Nebraska.


Laura Muñoz received the New Scholar's Book Award from American Educational Research Association for "Desert Dreams: Mexican Arizona and the Politics of Educational Equality".

Laura Munoz
Bedross Der Matossian

Bedross Der Matossian shared his expertise in "Foreclosure of Armenian Patriarchate properties threatens Christians in the Holy Land" for The Jerusalem Post.

Eve Brank received the Distinguished Service Award from the American Psychology-Law Society.

Eve Brank

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Become a Husker Today

Let curiosity move you to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Specialized programs of study, hands-on learning opportunities, and a campus at the heart of a city with a little bit of everything: it's an exceptional Big Ten experience.

Lindsey Thiele