Meet Jun Yi Goh

Photo Credit: Jun Yi Goh
Mon, 04/12/2021 - 09:25

Majors: History, global studies 
Minor: Asian studies 
Hometown: Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

Favorite book
I don't really have a favorite, but the most recent book that I have enjoyed is Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1875 by Max Hastings. Even though the book did not uncover anything groundbreaking about the subject, his writing showcased the immense human tragedies of the war from both sides very well.

Favorite movie
Die Hard is my go-to movie if I want to turn my brain off for the night and yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie!

Why these majors and minors
I have always been passionate about History, especially on colonialism and its effects. So, Global Studies compliment History by being the more holistic and modern wing to my interests. The most interesting class that I have taken is History 311: Homer and the Trojan War with Dr. Gorman. I really enjoyed learning about the archaeology of Troy and Bronze Age Mediterranean civilizations even though ancient history is not really in my wheelhouse.

Extracurricular activities
I would have been on a study abroad trip to Japan last summer but Covid put a stop to it. So, I am currently interning with UNL PIESL. Our responsibilities include TA-ing ESL classes, hosting English Conversation Hours and monthly events to expose our students to American college life.

As for extracurriculars, I am involved in Model UN, the War Gamer Club, and the Malaysian Student Association (NUMSA). I was part of the UNL team to the 2019 NMUN Conference in New York City. It was a very exciting and a peak in my Model UN career. Whenever I can make it, the War Gamers Club is where I'll be to unwind after a long week. Although it is the "War Gamers" Club, we play all sorts of board games. We are living through a tabletop game renaissance now, so why don't you come and see for yourself! I am currently the president of NUMSA and, due to Covid, we cannot host the usual Malaysian Night this spring but do keep an eye on our Instagram for future updates!

Post-graduation opportunities
Currently, the plan is to go to graduate school to study History. I am still looking around for a good program to apply to but for now, I will just keep on chugging through this semester!