Overload Policy

The College of Arts and Sciences endeavors to provide salaries for full-time, permanent faculty which are equitable considering the disciplines and performance levels of individual faculty members. To the extent possible, meritorious performance will be rewarded through increases in the salary base, through the promotion and tenure process and, in exceptional cases, through professorships. Consequently, overload payments for faculty will not be allowed for performing additional duties that would normally fall within the range of ordinary faculty responsibilities in the college. Exceptions will only be made when there are unforeseen circumstances of an extraordinary nature.

The Overload Policy for the University of Nebraska is stated in Executive Memorandum No. 19, which states:

“Overload assignments shall be limited as provided by guidelines developed by each chancellor, and no overload assignment shall provide income in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the staff member's base salary (except for summer teaching and summer research appointments for academic-year staff) without the prior written approval of the president.”

Overloads must be documented and approved prior to beginning the overload assignment. Instructional overloads are documented by letter of offer stating the additional assignment and the amount of compensation to be received for the overload. As with all faculty appointments, the offer letter should be signed by the chair of the department and by the dean of the college. Non-instructional overloads must be justified by the faculty member and approved by the chair of the department and by the dean using the Overload Request form. This request form must be signed by the dean prior to beginning the overload assignment.

Overload Request form

The college has set an approval threshold of $500 per semester. All overloads exceeding this threshold either individually or cumulatively must receive prior approval of the dean. Note: Overloads for employees whose primary appointment resides outside of Arts and Sciences must be approved by their respective college.

Once approved, a "Recurring Payments or Additional Payments Form" should be initiated by the department and forwarded to Payroll Services. Note, overload payments must be paid at the completion of the overload assignment (for one-time payments) or distributed in equal monthly payments over the course of the overload assignment period.