Kylee Ellison

Kylee Ellison


Political Science, Global Studies


Japanese Studies, National Security Studies

Omaha, Nebraska

Why you chose your major

I love to write, and I love helping people. My thought process was that I could help people on a more grand scale if I could work in the government, so I decided to go with political science. I then wanted to learn more about people and their cultures to better understand where issues come from, and how people could go about fixing those issues. That's how I chose global studies. Finally, I chose Japanese studies and national security studies for these similar reasons.

Favorite and/or most impactful course

I think Justice and the Good Life has made the biggest impact on me because it is my first philosophy course. Professor Kohen is great at teaching, and every class feels more like a conversation with everyone rather than a lecture. You have to think hard in that class, and I very much enjoy it.

Research or internship experience

I was a part of the FYRE (First Year Research Experience) research program during my freshman year. I thought that research was only about test tubes and lab coats, but I was paired up with a program that really interested me. It was all looking at responses from quizzes and seeing how everyone's responses fit together. Overall, we looked at people's psychological responses to laws. I'm very happy to have had that experience.

Other involvement

I am part of the Cornhusker Marching Band as Uniform Manager!

Why you chose Nebraska

It was close enough to home that I didn't feel like I was in a completely new environment, but far enough away to feel like I am on my own!

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