Photo Credit: Student Spotlight: Emma Benson
Thu, 09/26/2024 - 16:20

Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Year at UNL: Sophomore
Hometown: Fremont, NE

Why did you select your major and minor?
I chose Biochemistry because I found the emphasis of the chemistry of living
organisms to be intriguing. I’m interested to see how this major focuses in
on this topic as I progress into more biochemistry classes. I also added an
entrepreneurship minor as I hope to open my own practice one day!

What is your favorite course you have taken from your program(s) and why?
My favorite course has been either Chem 109 or Chem 110. Dr Kautz was an
incredible teacher and I truly enjoyed learning!

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
Some of my strongest mentors have been other girls in my sorority who have
provided me guidance on classes and my major.

Have you had an internship or job? 
I have worked as a CNA for the hospital in Fremont for a couple of months. I
think my major has not only taught me about the science behind humans, but it
has also taught me life lessons that I have used as a CNA.

Did you/are you going to study abroad? 
I plan to study abroad next summer to work on my entrepreneurship minor.

What are you involved in on campus or in the community?
I am apart of a sorority which has given me a lot of opportunities to
volunteer and give back to organizations important to me.

What are your plans after graduation?
My plan is to attend medical school.