CAS Interdisciplinary Research Team Grants
Aims to develop and enhance research teams across two or more disciplines, cognate areas (humanities, social sciences, and physical and natural sciences), or colleges. Priorities: advancing research in areas no single discipline will undertake on its own; combining modes of disciplinary thinking to advance knowledge; creating teams that address complex problems to improve lives.
Application due: October 1
Details and application instructions
CAS Research Impact and Engagement Grants
Aims to support the completion and dissemination of research, to enhance community-based or engaged research, and to elevate the national and international impact of CAS research and creative activity. Priorities: supporting international travel for research presentations; enhancing publication quality, visibility, and reach; fostering CAS research and creative activities in partnership with communities that are mutually beneficial, collaborative, and reciprocal.
Application due: October 1
CAS Spark Grants
Aims to enhance early-stage research, including idea generation, prospectus development, writing, grant narrative development, experimentation, research travel, and creative exploration. Priorities: supporting early and mid-career faculty with less substantial start-up funds and limited extramural funding opportunities.
Application due: October 1
Details and application instructions
CAS Strategic Priorities Grants
Aims to support and encourage team-based, collaborative research and creative activity focused on the College of Arts and Science's strategic plan and the university's Grand Challenges.
Application due: October 1
Details and application instructions
Instructional Improvement Fund
Gives incentives for planning and implementing significant undergraduate instructional improvement projects addressing one of the specified objectives.
Application due: March 1