In the College of Arts and Sciences, our passion drives discovery and creative activity. Our research and teaching engage multiple disciplines, foster many different ways of perceiving our surroundings, and pursue multiple paths for exploring the world.

We push ourselves and our students to think deeply and broadly—to integrate ideas from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences—in ways that lead to innovation and prepare us for the challenges that tomorrow will bring. We celebrate and value the diversity of people, cultures, and ideas in Nebraska and throughout our interdependent world.


CAS Strategic Plan

Through imagination, innovation, and collaboration we transform lives and improve our world.

Strategic Plan and Yearly Reports

Pat Dussault

Patrick Dussault
Acting Dean
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dean's Messages

Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Departments, Schools, Centers, Programs, and Institutes

Set up for success with a liberal arts degree

Skills employers want that go with you anywhere

A liberal arts degree empowers you for dealing with complexity, diversity, and change. Gain a broad knowledge of the world and deep knowledge in specific areas and apply your knowledge and skills in real-world settings.

  • Employers like liberal arts graduates because they have the skills necessary to adapt in a changing workplace.
  • Your degree remains valuable as your interests and experience—and the job market—change.
  • Liberal arts graduates understand problems, generate solutions, and communicate them.
  • An undergraduate liberal arts background prepares you for a diverse field of graduate studies.

No matter where you go or what you do, a liberal arts education is for life. Adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Our Areas

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Lincoln Is For Everyone

Collage of images about Lincoln

Whatever kind of person you are—adventurous, foodie, kid at heart—you'll find what you're looking for in Lincoln.

Equity for All

The college's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee works closely with the university to ensure the equal right of every member of our community—students, staff, and faculty—to be included, supported, and heard.

Students outside

Give Back For Today's Students

Your gift has the potential to affect many areas of a College of Arts and Sciences education. From funding scholarships and professorships to providing support for programs or projects, you can contribute to the curiosity of our students.

Student in a lab