Study the human record, culture, and creative expression and ask “what does it mean?” Memory and imagination drive the humanities: by studying where we have been, we can better envision where we might go.
Majors and Minors

Social and Behavioral Sciences
In the social sciences we strive to understand human behavior and relationships. We ask, “why do people act the way they do?” We look closely at the way people interact with each other, make decisions, and structure their environment.
Majors and Minors
Natural and Mathematical Sciences
In the sciences we take a systematic approach to understanding the mathematical and physical world. We ask “why, how, and what if?” We test, modify, and test again in order to explain and predict.
Majors and Minors

Interdisciplinary Studies
With interdisciplinary studies we start with a particular issue, problem, population, or geographic region, then study it from within the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. We know our world is not simple or one-sided, and our thinking should not be either.
Majors and Minors

Minors Only

Four-Year Success Plan
Here are the steps for undergraduate students to take each semester, focusing on academics and experiential learning, to open up opportunities after graduation.
Learn more about the college from current students.