Tech Support Manager
CAS Tech Team
November 2018
“Bryan Miller has done an amazing job playing a dual role of tech support all-star and managerial pro. His leadership and processes helped us move multiple departments to the new Louise Pound Hall in a short amount of time. Despite the high stress workload he takes on, he is still able to smile and give his best to all the users and teammates he supports.”
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“Bryan stands by the notion of “Leading from where he is”. Bryan has taken multiple steps to lead the team and drive them towards a right direction by providing examples of processes that has worked well in the areas that he serves. This year, Bryan has showcased excellent project management skills towards the Pound hall move. From a big step like taking the initiative of leading this project from the start, taking over the departments to be moved, under his supervision, so he could personally create a rapport between all the users, to a minute step like color-coding folders for the departments to move things faster, Bryan provided a lot of attention to details and make the move as seamless as possible. Bryan adapted his project plans with the changes that came, with the move and made sure that things stayed on track. Bryan provided detailed guidelines to other tech members who were helping him so that all tasks were done in a uniform and consistent manner. Bryan has “down-the-field” vision to make sure that everything works perfectly and each user receives excellent customer service. During the move, Bryan was able to perform his regular job by monitoring tickets in his "home" area and accomplished his regular tasks as well. Over the past two years, Bryan has been able to lead the tech team with his processes and guide them to implement those processes across CAS IT, overall moving towards achieving the target of being OneIT. These processes have been helpful in creating better workflows in the team. Bryan has specifically created a detailed Inventory process which is helping the whole team as a whole to maintain better inventory in the system. He deserves an Applause for all of his outstanding work! ”
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“Bryan takes great pride in his work and goes into meticulous detail when implementing a plan. For example, he is in the process of moving several departments from one building to another. He has been carefully organizing this move from the beginning and, because of his hard work, this process has been a big success! Bryan is also a great resource of information and also a great person to be around.”
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“Bryan has coordinated the move to Pound Hall very well, one of the best examples of organization I’ve ever seen. On top of that he’s always willing to help with a question or when I’m stuck. He’s an invaluable member of the tech team!”
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“Bryan has been an incredible asset to the Tech Team and the departments he supports. He is a great trainer and a role model for much of what the Tech Team aims to provide in our everyday work. Outside of his work for his current departments in CGPS and EAS, Bryan volunteered to lead the recent relocation of several CAS departments to Pound Hall. A project that I could not even hope to imagine piecing together to ensure a smooth transition, Bryan made it look almost effortless. Though he will say different I am sure. Bryan worked with the Project Manager, around construction, with multiple different department chairs, and made sure that every faculty, staff, and graduate student moving had a space, moving date, and no depreciation of service. He even went as far as separating each department and user with colored folders and providing a checklist so each assisting tech knew EXACTLY what needed to be done when they came to help. He deserves an Applause! ”
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“Bryan has been long overdue for an applause just based on the effort he puts forward for the tech team and his users, but especially for his outstanding work relocating departments to Pound Hall I believe he deserves this applause!”
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“I want to write and let you know how much I appreciate Bryan Miller. As a senior faculty member and a department chair for eight years, I will say that in my 20+ years at UNL our tech support has never been better. Bryan is smart, hard-working, helpful, and accommodating. I have noted, and I deeply appreciate, that he is proactive is handling issues that we will face. In addition, for me, his great humor helps him navigate the challenges this job entails, especially in his many dealings with people who are in tech experts. I have enjoyed working with Bryan and appreciate his leadership in training Brian O’Connell who is also going a great job (and it is so wonderful to have a person with his Mac expertise helping us). The move to Pound Hall has been a gargantuan undertaking and Bryan has worked so hard to think through all of the different aspects of the move, in fact wrote Chairs and our staffs a year ago to get us thinking about the tech move. This has been particularly challenging as Bryan is working between facilities people, his office, this new business co-op which is in development stage, and all of the chairs, faculty, grad students and others. And to move everyone in the middle me a semester and, in the case of my department, in 2-3 stages (some to come) has been particularly difficult. He has handled all with grace. Of course, we are all in the middle of this endeavor, but my department moved last week and he and Brian, and the other help enlisted, did an amazing job in getting us over there, dealing with different problems etc. I could not be more grateful and we are in his debt in many ways! ”