Finance Specialist
Bureau of Sociological Research
“I am nominating Deb because she is usually the first friendly face I see when I come into the office in the morning. Deb is a hard worker and does a lot of behind the scenes work that I probably do not even know the half of. Whenever I need something added to Unanet or printing audit, etc., or have questions, she is always quick to respond. She is always on top things and never gives off that she has a lot on her plate or that she is dealing with something stressful. I could never do Deb's job, dealing with finances and billing, one has to be very patient and very detail oriented, which Deb seems to be both of those. Deb is good at what she does and does a wonderful job and she is very much appreciated.”
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“Deb is the definition of a professional and her work makes it possible for everyone at BOSR to do their jobs. Deb has a huge breadth of knowledge and experience that makes her able to help with any financial and billing questions which she does so happily. Deb's work is exemplary and essential, she is a vital part of BOSR – please give her an Applause!”
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“BOSR has been so very lucky to have Deb on our team for many years now. Finances at a service center like BOSR can be quite unique at times and we greatly appreciate the experience and expertise Deb brings to her position. Deb also continues to build on these experiences and expertise. If ever there is a situation or question that Deb is unsure of she is always willing to dig deeper to find solutions. There are always new situations or questions coming up, especially as BOSR has gone through some transitions in recent years, and they can be quite complex and take time to resolve. Deb is always up for the task with a positive attitude! Deb is also an excellent team player, and this can be seen through the tasks she voluntarily takes on for the good of the team here at BOSR or through her collaboration with the OBC team. She is very deserving of this award!”
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“Deb does a great job at BOSR. She is very knowledgeable and is always willing to help someone. She is the leader to our Work Group for Employee Engagement and she has come up with some great ideas to help keep our employees happy. She is great with communication when it comes to her schedule of being in the office or out of the office and what she is working on. I don't work everyday with her but I would be willing if she needed help. I think she has gone above and beyond in her duties as she has had to juggle family and work during a few very, very, stressful times and she always found a way to get things done.”
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“Deb deserves an applause award because she is an asset to our department. She has a wealth of knowledge of how BOSR operates that is unmatched. She does a great job keeping our finances in order and keeps us operating smoothly. She is helpful, friendly, and easy to work with. If asked to take on additional tasks, she does so without hesitation.”
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“She has long been essential to the successful function of the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) and has had tremendous growth as she took on her new title of Finance Specialist in 2022.
"In the past year, Deb has been essential to understanding BOSR’s finances, including detailed examinations to meet the needs of BOSR and its clients.
"This involves managing the budgets for 148 projects with different billing cycles and reporting needs in fiscal year 2022-2023 for a total of $2.1 million. An example of Deb’s detailed examinations is found in one of her current projects: examining what BOSR is charged by UNL Print and Mail Services for printing and sending mail surveys. In the past, UNL Print and Mail Services gave BOSR average estimates for printing and postage costs, which were then incorporated into budget estimates for researchers conducting mail surveys. Over time, however, we realized that there were discrepancies between the actual costs received from Print and Mail Services and the estimates we had been using. By examining this difference, Deb’s work allows BOSR to provide accurate estimates for client research and grant proposals, while simultaneously ensuring BOSR costs are covered.
"Over the last year, Deb has also conducted deep dives into budget lines to identify where costs have gone over the years and reconcile accounts. This is exemplified through BOSR’s management of our NebrASKa Voices panel, a list of people who have been identified as interested in future research opportunities. BOSR covers the cost of maintaining this list through both internal resources and client purchasing of this service, but the accounting for internal costs had not been as clearly documented as for external clients. Through Deb’s efforts, we identified where we those internal costs had been charged and developed clear processes for future documentation.
"As a service center, BOSR uses charge out rates, which are updated every year. The inputs to these charge out rates change every year because of shifts in salaries, staff composition, and needed expenses. Through Deb’s efforts, we have been able to pull accurate numbers for charge out rates and adjust them accordingly. Doing so has helped cover 100% of our operating costs through charge out rates and ensure we can stay open through budget cuts.
"Lastly, BOSR and the Oldfather Business Cooperative (OBC) partnered to centralize our finance and human recourse needs to increase efficiencies during this time of budget cuts. Deb has taken on some of OBC’s financial responsibilities and learned new processes in stride. OBC is grateful for the help she provides.
"As you can see, Deb is an outstanding office/service employee that has demonstrated distinguished service and contributions to the University. She is deserving of this award.”