Applause for Jenna Huttenmaier

Jenna Huttenmaier

Administrative Coordinator
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

July 2017

“In my first week as a new communications associate at CSE in August, a fellow staff member suggested I take a tour with Jenna to learn more about our department and our program. I was so impressed by her department knowledge, presentation, organization, and the warm welcome she gave the visiting family. Her tour gave me many ideas right away on how to better promote our program and how we can merge our marketing and recruiting efforts. The family she spoke with seemed very excited to send their son to our university, and I'd honestly be shocked if the student decided to get his education somewhere else. Jenna was able to answer every question about our program, and even offer additional information on future internship opportunities in Lincoln and suggested a great place to grab lunch that afternoon. She truly provides a great visiting experience for prospective students and families, and I have no doubt many have chosen our program over schools after a tour with her. Please award her an Applause!”

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“Jenna’s service to students is above and beyond. She is the first point of contact for our prospective UG students, giving hundreds of tours a year. She gives very professional tours and is always very personable. When giving tours, she tells all the prospective students about the exciting research being done in the CSE department. She also helps a great deal with NSE, advising students and helping them anyway she can. She also works with industry in awarding scholarships to CSE students. She assigns graduate students to work in the Student Resource Center so that UG students will have the help they need. In the last 5 years, since Jenna started, Computer Science & Engineering has doubled in UG students. She is so deserving of this award!”

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“Jenna is an essential part of the CSE office staff. She is the first contact many prospective students have with the department giving tours and going over course plans with them. Jenna also works directly with current students as the manager of the Student Resource Center. This includes interviewing, hiring, and scheduling their work hours. Jenna is always pleasant and greets everyone with a smile. She is an integral part of the CSE Department – please give her an Applause!”