Director of Recruitment
College of Arts and Sciences
July 2014
“Jodi Holt has been such a blessing in our College. Over the past couple of years, Jodi has made great strides with connecting with departments and really working hard on recruitment. Jodi has gone beyond her recruitment and helped our office out with New Student Enrollment t-shirts as well. She has been able to raise more money for our t-shirts than we did in the previous year. She did this all on her own and I couldn’t have imagined a better person to reach out to all of the sponsors. Jodi also co-led a seed grant and worked extremely hard towards it. Jodi again has been a huge asset to the Advising Office and College. On a personal note, she has been a savior to me while we have had so much change within the past year. Jodi is always seen going 100+ miles per hour and always has a smile on her face. I have heard countless times that recruits love meeting with her because she is very infectious. I love hearing her reconnect with parents at NSE or when they come onto campus. She is going to continue to do amazing work and really set A&S apart from the rest of campus over the next few years. Jodi definitely deserves our applause!”
“I’m pleased to support Jodi’s nomination for an Applause award. She is so knowledgeable about all things recruiting—and such a phenomenal professional—that one overlooks her strange obsession with tarheels basketball! In all seriousness, her unfailing, positive energy is extraordinary and such a gift to those who are fortunate enough to work with her. She has something like 50 recruitment events scheduled throughout the upcoming year (with more likely to be added). Assuming at least 2 things can go wrong per event—that’s like 100 things that she’ll have to work around or adjust to “on-the-fly”—and still, trust me, she won’t be outwardly cranky. I aspire to that level of flexibility. Maybe I, too, should go paleo? In any event, she is a wonderful colleague and truly deserving of this honor!”