Advisor and recruiter
Department of Sociology, Department of Political Science
June 2017
“Since Kara became the academic advisor for the Political Science and Sociology majors, she has brought an enthusiasm and energy to the position that has not gone unnoticed by her students and her fellow advisors. Kara has been a great asset to the College of Arts and Sciences as both a major advisor and as a recruiter (both for Political Science and Sociology and for the college before that). Kara has only been the advisor for 9 months or so, but she has already impacted the lives of many of her students. She fills needs that she sees without being asked, and she is willing to go the extra mile to start new initiatives. For example, she started a food pantry in her office specifically for her students. For all these things and more, Kara most definitely deserves to receive the Applause award!”
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“Kara is a constant source of creativity, kindness, and compassion. Her warmth and outgoing personality make her easy to get to know and easy to love. She is a person I look forward to talking to, working with, and learning from. She is so driven to make an impact with all those she comes into contact with and jumped right into leadership roles and committees within the college and the university as a whole so that she can contribute her time, talent, and ideas to our community. In her recruitment role, she grew and diversified the Student Ambassador program and most recently as the major advisor to Political Science and Sociology, she took the initiative to start small food pantries in both departments to help address food insecurity many of our students face. Kara is a change-maker, an action-taker, and an absolute inspiration. Please give her our Applause!”
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“Kara recently completed her term as the college’s staff council president, and did an absolute awesome job! She led the group in creating some wonderful staff development and networking opportunities for every staff member in the college. Kara engaged all staff council members, making meetings fun and productive. Kara deserves an Applause for going above and beyond the call of duty—not only in her ‘regular job—but in her leadership of the staff council!”