Applause for Kat Krutak-Bickert

Kat Krutak-Bickert

Unit Coordinator
Department of Anthropology

“Kat came on as the coordinator for Anthropology and has gone above and beyond with a cheery and positive attitude to assume many additional responsibilities as the coordinator for Geography and Global Studies as we "transition" to a School. She is super efficient and organized each day carrying out her responsibilities with professionalism. Whenever I have a question she answers it immediately and if she doesn't know the answer (on rare occasion) she quickly finds out and follows up with me. She has been invaluable in the organization and preparation of the Anthropology Colloquium Series this year-- there is no way I could be doing it without her. She's amazing, please give her an Applause!”

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“Kat always goes above and beyond for her units and is a great friend in addition. She makes sure everyone is very well taken care of and is always happy and upbeat.”

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“Since joining the 8th floor in January of 2019 Kat has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth transition between offices. In addition to helping me move and set up my new office (and therefore the new operating center of the Global Studies Program) Kat has been essential in ensuring that my vision for the program is met on daily basis. From helping me plan, organize and execute nearly 20 events per year, to ensuring that my students feel like they belong in a new space, to ensuring that every detail regarding our programming is correct, Kat's work ethic is unparalleled. She not only answers emails and solves programs during regular working hours, she also takes the time out of her busy post-work day to answer emergency messages/questions. Kat doesn't just get things done, she gets them done well. She makes sure that every Global Cafe is advertised, that the food is ordered and set up, and that the room is cleaned up afterwards. She is attentive to detail, extremely well organized and just plain helpful no matter what your questions are. Kat is a tremendous asset to Global Studies and all the other departments/programs that she works with. Her commitment to all three programs, our students, and faculty is unprecedented and she is integral in our current and future successes as a whole. Finally, her efforts towards strengthening and creating a sense of belonging and shared culture between our programs is very much appreciated – please give her an Applause!”