Finance Coordinator
Oldfather Business Cooperative
"I am writing to nominate Tina for recognition of their exceptional attention to detail, remarkable speed in completing projects, and consistently friendly demeanor when approaching requests, especially those that are outside the norm. Over the past year, Tina has made the process of handling business processes a breeze. Her ability to be proactive and responsive makes her not only an amazing employee, but an amazing person. CSMCE is one of those departments that doesn't fit the mold of the university and Tina has been able to mesh with our team and keep up with our shenanigans with great success."
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"Tina always completes her work quickly and thoroughly and with a smile. Many times, it seems like she anticipates what I need, so when I go back to her with a follow-up request, she has already taken care of it. Her understanding of how the department operates is outstanding and we wouldn’t be able to function as smoothly without her."
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"Tina's support has been essential in carrying out the activities of the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education. I am consistently blown away by her lightning response times and efficient service. Tina is very knowledgeable when it comes to assisting with financial matters and is always quick to help solve problems. I am so grateful for Tina's hard work!"
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"Tina became a part of the OBC in 2023. She has embraced our shared business support approach and demonstrates a true ‘team’ mentality. Tina has an exceptional ability to multi-task and provide high-level support to everyone assigned to her. She has willingly taken on additional assignments in the OBC when needed. Tina is a valued OBC team member. Her contributions are always appreciated. She is most deserving of the CAS Applause Award and recognition."
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"Tina is clearly extremely organized and capable, as is evidenced by her quick response times. Tina is also always willing to investigate/dig deep to answer a question (if she doesn't already know the answer)."