CAS Cares

Recognizing that every student in the College of Arts and Sciences has a unique set of circumstances guiding and contributing to their educational experience, the UNL College of Arts and Sciences Cares Fund has been established to help those students through short-term financial challenges that might inhibit their ability to complete their education.


This fund is open to all students pursuing a degree in the College of Arts and Sciences, regardless of residency and/or citizenship status.

Preference will be given to:

  • under-represented minority, first-generation, and low-income students
  • good academic standing (2.0 GPA or better)
  • minimum of 12 completed credit hours at UNL
  • students demonstrating a pattern of continuous enrollment

Federal Pell-eligibility is not necessary for the purpose of establishing economic need.

Priority will be given to eligible students who are close to graduation (i.e., needing 30 or fewer credit hours for degree completion.)


Grants will be based upon a determination of a student’s financial need and only after all resources available from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid have been exhausted. Students should visit Husker Hub in 102 Canfield or by emailing before applying for the CAS Cares fund to explore additional funding sources that may be available to them.

A student may receive a CAS Cares grant up to 3 times over the course of their enrollment at UNL.

CAS Cares funds are not intended to offset long-term or ongoing expenses but to help students manage short-term, unanticipated, or emergency needs.

Grants may be used to pay for living and daily transportation expenses, healthcare, childcare, tuition, and fees/learning expenses. Other planned expenditures from this fund may be approved by the Dean’s Office.


Eligible students in the college may apply for a CAS Cares grant at any time, no more than once in a semester. Academic advisors, faculty, and staff may also make confidential referrals.



Contact Christina Fielder, Senior Director of Advising and Student Success, at with questions.

CAS Cares Undergraduate Application


Contact the Dean's Office at with questions.

CAS Cares Graduate Application

The CAS Cares fund is administered by the Dean’s Office. Grants will be awarded upon the review and recommendations of the CAS Cares Fund Committee.