CAS Cares Graduate Application

Graduate students in the college may apply for a CAS Cares grant at any time, no more than once in a semester, using this form.

Eligibility and guidelines.

I am a degree seeking student in the College of Arts and Sciences.
I have accessed Husker Hub to inquire about any additional funding available to me through the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
I understand that a member of the CAS Cares Fund committee will be contacting me for additional information in approximately one week

Complete only after you have filled out the top of the form.

Only students who are degree seeking in the College of Arts and Sciences will be considered.

Anticipated graduation month *

Planned use of funds

Other expenses

A member of the CAS Cares committee may follow up for additional information.

University of Nebraska–Lincoln will electronically deposit your credit balance into a checking or savings account at the US financial institution of your choice.