College Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award

The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Awards were established to affirm the important role that significant research and creative accomplishments play in the college. Awards may be given within each of the major subdivisions of the college (natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities).

College ORCA Nomination Form


Any full-time tenured faculty or research professor of equivalent rank in the college who has significantly advanced knowledge in their field or published significant creative works as UNL faculty members in the past five years. Candidates cannot have received this award in the past five years.


One $1,000 award may be given within each of the three major subdivisions of the College (Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities).

Nomination Materials

  1. Completed nomination form
  2. Nomination letter (maximum 2 pages), which must be from a UNL colleague (including UNL emeritus faculty), should: 1) place the candidate's work in the broader context of his/her field, and 2) describe the impact of the candidate's research and creative contributions on his/her field (nationally and internationally).
  3. Nomination letter from chair/director (maximum 2 pages). In the case of jointly appointed faculty, the nomination letter may come from a single Chair or Director or can be submitted as a combined letter.
  4. Description of significant work that identifies up to five of the candidate's most important publications in the last five years and briefly describes the significance of each (maximum 2 pages). This document may be prepared by either the candidate or the nominator. Submit only this document, not the original publications.
  5. Curriculum Vitae