Course Evaluations Policy

CAS-Specific Policies Regarding Course Evaluations

  • Access by the dean or an associate dean to view an individual instructor’s evaluations outside the P&T or contract renewal processes will be determined by the dean’s cabinet in consultation with the instructor’s chair or director.
  • Access to course evaluation data from multiple instructors and/or semesters, for the purposes of institutional or faculty research, will be determined by the dean’s cabinet; relevant chairs or directors will be consulted in these instances. IRB approval should be sought as appropriate if the request is to advance faculty research.

CAS Course Evaluation Questions for Recitations and Labs


5-point scale questions

(5) Strongly agree, (4) Agree, (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree, (Disagree), (1) Strongly Disagree

  1. I feel welcome and respected in my recitation section.
  2. The recitation section complements the lecture for this course.
  3. The recitation contributed to my learning in this course.
  4. Communication with the recitation instructor effectively supports my learning.

Short answer questions

  1. What has been beneficial to your learning in the recitation?
  2. What could use some improvement?


5-point scale questions

(5) Strongly agree, (4) Agree, (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree, (Disagree), (1) Strongly Disagree

  1. I feel welcome and respected in my lab.
  2. The lab section complements the lecture.
  3. The lab contributed to my learning in this course.
  4. The lab sessions are well organized.
  5. The lab instructor emphasizes safety before and during lab sessions.
  6. Communication with the lab instructor effectively supports my learning.

Short answer questions

  1. What has been beneficial to your learning in the lab?
  2. What could use some improvement?