Diversity Recruitment Plan

The College of Arts and Sciences has implemented a requirement to monitor our efforts to build more inclusive applicant pools for faculty searches. Departments need to submit a diversity recruitment plan for review and approval as part of the position requisition approval process.  We are looking for proactive strategies from departments to increase the proportions of underrepresented groups in the applicant pool.  

The diversity recruitment plan should include the following elements.

Document specific plans for how the department will actively recruit members of underrepresented groups. This should address the following:

  • The faculty diversity goal of the department and how that would be reflected in a successful inclusive applicant pool.
  • Summarize any activities and programs that the department has in place to proactively build the image of the department as an inclusive environment for underrepresented faculty.
  • Provide an overview of specific search strategies that you plan to use to help build a diverse applicant pool for the current.

How will you monitor the success of this program?

  • What are your target goals?
  • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of specific recruitment strategies?

The plan should be submitted via e-mail attachment to bensor2@unl.edu at the time you are completing the position requisition for the approved hire.