Due dates for faculty reappointment

Year of Service¹Recommendation Due in Dean’s OfficeNotification Date for Non-Reappointment
Second 11/1/2024 12/3/2024
Third* 2/10/2025 5/1/2025
Fourth 2/10/2025 5/1/2025
Fifth* 2/10/2025 5/1/2025
Sixth* 10/28/2024 5/1/2025²
Professors of Practice Reappointment 2/10/2025 5/1/2025
Professors of Practice discontinuation letters 1/17/2025

¹ Includes any previous credit.

² Tenure, if awarded, is effective August 18, 2025

* Evaluation in the sixth year of the tenure clock is not a reappointment but rather an evaluation for continuous appointment (i.e. tenure). Formal evaluations are not required in year 3 and year 5 unless called for within a previous reappointment or if requested by the tenure-home unit or the candidate.

The due dates for recommendations are based on years at UNL, while the fourth year review is based on one's tenure clock, that is, the cumulative number of years credited for progress towards tenure. The "Date of Initial Appointment/Years at UNL" and the "Tenure Clock Years" coincide when the faculty member's initial appointment is the first year of their "Specific-term" (tenure leading) appointment here at UNL.

College Due Dates

August 12, 2024
Preliminary list of likely recommendations for promotion and tenure, Professors of Practice, or promotion only due in the Dean's Office.

October 28, 2024
Recommendations for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor due in the Dean's Office.

December 13, 2024
Recommendations for promotion to Full Professor, non-tenure track promotions (e.g. Professor of Practice) and any other promotions without tenure due in the Dean's Office.

Please submit recommendations for reappointments, promotion or promotion and tenure using the college's promotion and tenure online system.