April 11, 2019
- The mentoring proposal discussion focused on specific areas such as website and mentoring culture.
March 28, 2019
- The discussion continued on a mentoring proposal.
March 14, 2019
- The committee discussed what to put in a mentoring proposal.
February 14, 2019
- Guest speakers, Rick Bevins, Chair of Psychology and Dawn O. Braithwaite, Chair of Communication Studies shared what their departments provide for mentoring.
January 31, 2019
- The discussion was on the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD).
January 17, 2019
- The committee solicited names of potential faculty to run for election on the Promotion and Tenure Committee beginning with the 2019-2020 academic year.
- Mentoring was the discussion topic.
December 13, 2018
- The committee talked about best practices for mentoring.
November 8, 2018
- Mentoring discussion focused on Professors of Practice
- Brainstormed seeded groups
October 25, 2018
- The committee discussed the mentoring needs of the college.
October 11, 2018
- The committee looked at the mentoring plan for faculty and staff of color at Arizona University.
September 27, 2018
- The committee discussed the inclusion of Professors of Practice on the Executive Committee.
- Members continued discussion of a questionnaire for inventorying existing mentoring plans in the College.
- The Executive Committee discussed mentoring needs for lecturers, joint appointments and faculty/staff of color.
September 13, 2018
- The CAS Executive Committee discussed creating inventory of departmental mentoring practices.
- The committee began discussion on identifying mentoring needs of specific groups and subgroups.
August 23, 2018
- The committee received an update on the accomplishments of the 2017-2018 Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee began a discussion on mentoring faculty, staff and graduate students.
November 30, 2017
- The committee was updated on the Honors Program. A discussion followed the update.
November 9, 2017
- The committee followed up on its discussion with Dennis LeBlanc.
October 26, 2017
- Dennis Leblanc, Executive Associate Athletic Director, spoke to the committee on what Athletics is doing to support and bring students together.
October 12, 2017
- Reviewed and summarized previous discussion on building research into college unity.
- Discussed building partnerships into college unity.
September 28, 2017
- Reviewed the outcomes of building unity in the college.
September 14
- CAS unity: Reviewed the discussion outcomes from the last meeting. The discussion centered around branding to aid and become a collective college.
August 24, 2017
- Dean Francisco summarized the accomplishments from the last academic year. The committee then talked about building unity in the college.
August 25
- Review Implementation of Recommendations from Previous Executive Committee
- College Identity
- Communication Plan
- Deans Advisory Committee
- Teaching Academy
- Partnerships
September 8
- Thinking big
- College's partnership portfolio
September 22
- The committee discussed what the college's partnership portfolio should look like.
September 29
- Questions for survey
- Finalize questions for invited speakers.
October 27
- debrief on Shawn Eichorst's visit
- Update from Matt Jockers on Partnership survey
- Preparation for Jim Linder's visit on November 10, 2016
November 10
- Guest speaker: James Linder, UNMC
December 8
- Guest speaker: Randy Hawthorne, Executive Director/Publisher Nonprofit Hub
January 12
- Committee members suggested faculty to serve on the Promotion and Tenure Committee beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year.
- The committee debriefed on the partnership survey.
- The committee debriefed on the discussions the committee had with guest speakers that visited during the fall semester.
January 26
- Committee focused their discussion on fostering partnerships in CAS.
February 9
- Fostering partnerships in CAS
March 30
- Associate Dean Kathleen Lodl from Nebraska Extension spoke to the committee
April 13, 2017
- Assessing and incentivizing partnerships
April 14
- Continued to discuss the purposes of the CAS teaching academy.
March 10
- Continued to discuss purposes of the CAS teaching academy and identified broad categories of emphasis and expectations of service.
February 25
- The committee discussed the purposes of the CAS teaching academy and identified broad categories of emphasis and expectations of service.
February 11
- The members were updated on the communication plan.
- They also discussed the concept of a CAS teaching academy.
January 28
- The committee discussed possible candidates to run for the 2016-2017 A and S Promotion and Tenure Committee.
- They also reviewed the CAS identity and communication plan.
January 14
- The committee continued the discussion on messaging the College’s identity.
December 3
- Continuing discussion on messaging college identity.
November 19
- Moving ahead with work on messaging college identity.
November 5
- Continued the discussion on communication plans (this week’s focus: messaging college identity).
October 22
- Continued the discussion on how the College can approach communication better and ways to enhance what is being done.
October 8
- Committee members provided suggestions on how the College can approach communication better and ways to enhance what is being done.
September 24
- The committee talked about the direction of the College.
- Continued the committee members’ responses to two questions asked by Dean Francisco.
August 27
- Introductions
- Dean Joseph Francisco talked about the accomplishments of the committee, during the 2014-2015 academic year.
- Dean Francisco discussed the goals of what the committee can accomplish this academic year.
- Each committee member responded to two questions put forth to them by Dean Francisco.
- August 30
- January 17, 2013
- February 7, 2013
- February 14, 2013
- February 28, 2013
- March 7, 2013
- March 14, 2013
- March 28, 2013
- April 4, 2013
- April 11, 2013
- September 1
- September 15
- October 27
- November 10
- December 8
- January 19
- February 16
- March 1
- April 5
- April 12
- April 19
- August 26
- September 2
- September 23
- September 30
- October 14
- December 2
- January 20
- February 17
- February 24
- March 10
- March 17
- March 31
- April 21
- April 22
- August 27
- September 3
- September 17
- September 24
- October 8
- November 5
- December 3
- January 28
- February 4
- February 18
- February 25
- March 4
- March 25
- April 1
- April 8
- April 15
- April 22