Service collage for experiential learning

Engage and assist within your campus, local, national, or international community on a topic or project through service. Connect with people and issues while adding value for prospective employers or graduate/professional schools, especially in teaching, helping, or healthcare fields.


Contribution, influence, and networking within your community


Meaningful, hands-on experience understanding and addressing societal problems


Professional and personal connections with others who share your interests and values


Skills such as communication, teamwork, and organization

Big Event participants

Service Programs and Events

The Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLICE) office coordinates large-scale service programs including MLK Week of Service, The Big Event, and Urban Plunge. These events organize teams of faculty, staff, and students, in collaboration with community partners, to help with needs in the community: packaging meals, neighborhood clean-ups, home maintenance for senior citizens, tax preparation, and more.

Service-Oriented Student Organizations

Several registered student organizations on campus, such as the UNL branch of Medical students United with Neighbors across America (pictured), emphasize service. Some have a specific cause or organization they support, and others participate in a variety of individual initiatives and events.

Students in MUNA
Aerial of Lincoln

Volunteerism and Community Engagement

Based on your interests, you can arrange your own service opportunities independently by connecting with local organizations and initiatives. They often rely on regular volunteers to carry out their mission and meet the needs of those they serve.

Spotlight icon

If curiosity has moved you to engage in a service or volunteering experience—we'd like to share it with the Husker community!

Share your experience

Getting Started


Learn more about getting involved with organizations, long- and short-term opportunities, and their Nonprofits in Residence program.

Academic Advisors

Watch for service opportunities in your academic advisor’s weekly emails.

CAS Career Coaches

Meet with a career coach to talk about what kind of service would be best for you based on your interests and goals.