Overview, requirements, and learning outcomes
While this kind of curriculum action may be moved to CIM in the future, it is currently a paper-based proposal.
- Changes to Existing Major or Minor Submission Form (Form CAS6) – this document will allow you to make present changes to overview description, learning outcomes, structure, or requirements of a major or minor. All edits should be in contrast to what is currently published in the current catalog. You will be asked to provide a justification statement addressing each change.
- Letters of permission from any other units affected by the changes (for example, if your unit is interdisciplinary and you add courses from other units to your requirements, you will need letters of permission).
- If there are significant changes to your major, minor, option, emphasis, or certificate please also include the related EVC form. This would include name changes, CIP code changes, converting an existing traditional program to an online program, or merger/consolidation of programs.
- Complete the Cover Sheet (Form CAS1) to include with the Existing Major or Minor Submission Form (Form CAS6).
- Submit an electronic version of the proposal to the Dean’s Office via email to casdeansoffice@unl.edu.
- Edits to 4-Year Plans will be called for via the advisor(s) serving your program.
2023-2024 undergraduate catalog timeline and process
All changes to majors and/or minors are due in the fall. The dates below ensure we meet all the university deadlines for the next catalog.
September 15, 2023:
UNL Catalog editing for 2024-2025 process officially begins.
October 15, 2023:
All draft edits for each major and/or minor due to the college for initial approval.
October 20, 2023:
Proposals for new courses or updates to existing courses, all requests must be submitted to the College Curriculum and Advising Committee. This allows us to meet the UUCC deadline for inclusion in the 2024-2025 catalog.
Only course proposals submitted to them by their due date are guaranteed to be included in the 2024-2025 undergraduate catalog.
October 26, 2023:
The College Curriculum and Advising Committee will review proposals for approval.
December 13, 2023:
Significant changes will go to the college faculty for approval.
December 14, 2023:
The Dean’s Office must submit all approved edits (major, minor and college information section) to university catalog facilitators.
December 15, 2023 – May 1, 2024:
The catalog will be closed to editing.
May 1, 2024:
2024-2025 catalog published.
The process for updates to 4-Year Plans is outside of the catalog update process.
Christina Fielder, Sr. Director of Advising and Student Success, will be working with advisors directly on updates and the process timeline. For questions or guidance on representing your changes, contact Christina Fielder, cfielder@unl.edu.