Losing long-lasting flockmates may drive a golden-crowned sparrow to stray from its favorite overwintering spot, a new Husker-led study says, suggesting that friendly, familiar faces help anchor it to familiar spaces. Stories on the research appeared in Earth.com, The Wildlife Society and several other media outlets.
Thomas Gannon’s new book, “Birding While Indian: A Mixed-Blood Memoir,” was highlighted in an Aug. 20 Washington Post article on books that amplify the experiences of diverse birders. Gannon is an associate professor of English and ethnic studies and associate director of ethnic studies at Nebraska.
Kimberly Tyler, sociology, has received a five-year, $3.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse to develop a data-driven, app-based just-in-time intervention that provides youth experiencing homelessness with individualized support at critical junctures, when alcohol and drug use may be a tempting coping mechanism. Stories on the project appeared in the Norfolk Daily News, Omaha World-Herald and The Center Square.