Fuelberth, Thomas earn Wasson Awards

February 28, 2023

Brynn Fuelberth and Sophia Thomas

Brynn Fuelberth and Sophia Thomas are among five University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who earned the William N. Wasson Student Leadership and Academic Award from NIRSA, the national association for campus recreation leadership.

The university is the only higher education institution in the country to have at least one Wasson Award winner every year since the award was launched in 1993 and leads the nation with more than 80 recipients.

The award, named after founder William N. Wasson, recognizes outstanding undergraduate and graduate students who are active participants, employees, or volunteers in collegiate recreational sports departments.

Fuelberth is an environmental studies major from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Thomas is a political science major from Dallas, Texas. The students will be recognized during the association’s annual conference held March 23-26.