Meet Brian Mock

July 14, 2022

Student spotlight: Brian Mock

Major: History

Brian Mock is serving with the Kay Jorgensen Interpretive Internship Program at Mount Rushmore.

"I am learning lots and getting to make awesome connections with visitors," he said. "It has been an amazing experience getting my feet wet in the program."

Brian had always wanted to work with the National Park Service as a park ranger but never knew where to start. Coming across this internship was really a door-opening experience, he said.

"It really proves that if you stay patient enough, and keep fishing for it, you'll get there and your opportunities will present themselves," he said.

As an intern, he has learned about the National Park Service, the history of Mount Rushmore, and the area, as well as interpretation, which connects and links visitors to the history, natural features, and love for the park through rangers.

"What is really cool is that I am seeing a lot of what I have done throughout high school, Boy Scouts, college classes as a history major, and just life in general tie together somehow here at Mount Rushmore. I use quite a few facts in my Ranger talk from my 'Ancient Rome' class with Vanessa Gorman here at Rushmore. Who knew George Washington was such a huge fan of Roman History?"

He added that he has really made a family with fellow interns from across the country, the seasonals, and his employers through the NPS and the Mount Rushmore Society.

In sum: "There is no better office view and job in the world!"

Photos above: Brian Mock at Mount Rushmore. Click images to expand.