Meet Jaden Feeney

March 23, 2022

Jaden Feeney

Majors: Biology, psychology (gerontology certificate)

When asked why he loves psychology, Jaden said, “I love learning about what makes people tick. All my life I have been a curious person, and I believe that psychology is the pinnacle of human function. Everything that you do, believe, and feel is a product of your brain. It is so fascinating to even attempt to understand how it all works.”

Jaden is involved in Psi Chi and UCARE. He is a Lab Technician for the Montooth Lab, a Gerontology program ambassador, and a Genetics teaching assistant. Jaden was also previously involved as a Psychology 181 TA and a Pre-Health Mentor.

His favorite psychology classes are Psychoneuropharmacology (PSYC464) with Dr. Omelian and Behavioral Neuroscience (PSYC465) with Dr. Savage.

Jaden enjoys the outdoors and loves to snorkel, hike, and fish.