Major: English
Minors: Political Science, French
Hometown: Shawnee, KS
Year: Junior
Why did you select your major and minors? Were there any events or people that convinced you to declare?
I've known for a while that I want to become an attorney in the public sector, but I'm also a huge book nerd. The English department here combines that passion with exciting opportunities to better my reading and writing that will serve me well later. I also love language and French, and it was important to me to incorporate language studies in some way in college.
Do you have research experience?
I am currently a UCARE student working with the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities on the Nebraska Stories of Humanity project, connected with the Harris Center for Judaic Studies, where we document and digitalize stories of Holocaust survivors who relocated to Nebraska. I translate some of the documents from French to English, transcribe them, and encode them to the site's database. I recently presented at the Governor's Mansion event sharing the story of Bea Karp, who was taken to an internment camp as a child and was later liberated by the French Underground. Working with primary sources is so exciting, and I love getting to combine my love of history with my language skills.
Have you had an internship or job?
Beyond my work with the CDRH, I'm a Community Learning Center teacher at Norwood Park, a Title I elementary school here in Lincoln. I work with elementary-age kids before and after school every day. It matters so much to me to be able to interact with the community, to get out of the college bubble, and to work with these young people I just adore. They teach me more than I could ever teach them. Public service has been a theme in my life, and I'm so grateful for the chance to leave a legacy in Lincoln in some small way.
Did you/are you going to study abroad?
This summer, I'm planning to study abroad in Paris for three weeks alongside a cohort from Cornell. I'm excited to improve my French and learn more about a different legal framework.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to graduate a year early and attend law school to eventually continue a career in public service.