Meet Shams Hassiki

April 10, 2024

Shams Hassiki

Major: Physics
Minors: Mathematics
Hometown: Tunis, Tunisia

Year: Sophomore

Why did you select your Physics major and Mathematics minor?
I became passionate about astronomy when I was 12. That passion has became something that I put a lot of time into, and then it became an academic interest. Before coming to college I took online classes from many universities from all over the world, and then applied as for a physics major.

What is your favorite course you have taken from your programs and why?
My favorite course so far has been Physics 3. I enjoyed learning basic physics that is useful in various subfields, and performing lab experiments that demonstrate to which extent physics can make things seem strange.

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
At the university I have met many interesting people that I look up to. Namely the astrophysics faculty at the physics department, and also my internship manager who is an amazing educator.

Do you have research experience?
I have done some research on Quasars in the past, but I will start doing research soon on Neutrinos which are ghost particles that are very interesting in physics. This research takes data from radio array detectors in the South Pole.

Have you had an internship or job?
I have an internship in science communication at Morrill Hall which is amazing. I get to create planetarium shows, talk to people, think of ways to share science effectively and more. The best part was creating an eclipse planetarium show that was a major success, and even got me a special appearance on the local TV news.

Did you/are you going to study abroad?
I am currently studying abroad since I'm from Tunisia (North Africa). I don't think I will be able to spend a semester in another country, but I will spend my summer in Alaska participating in a special research program.

What are you involved in on campus or in the community?
I currently work as a science communication intern at Morrill Hall. I also work as an astronomy TA and observatory operator at the university's student observatory one campus. Additionally I monitor data coming from the south pole from the ARA experiment. Otherwise, I like going to events my favorites are dance events, and astronomy gatherings.

What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I plan to attend graduate school or maybe participate in interesting science communication opportunities if the stars align and I get to do what I love doing sooner than expected.