In the National News, March 2015

April 6, 2015

Stack of newspapers

Highlights of March's national coverage:

Aaron Dominguezphysics, spoke with for a March 24 report that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland had returned to working to full capacity after seven years. “It’s like having a new accelerator,” Dominguez said. Dominguez and physics and math studentSeth Kurfman also were featured in a March 31 Science 360 video about UNL's role in the Large Hadron Collider upgrade.

A recent study about sibling bullying, conducted by Eve Brank, Lori Hoetger and Katherine Hazenpsychology, originally reported in February, continued to receive coverage in March. Deseret News produced a piece that was syndicated among its affiliate publications.

While pondering why some people are politically conservative while others are not, Chris Jepson, a columnist for the Seminole Voice in Florida, turned to research by John Hibbing and Kevin Smith, political science, for a March 25 piece. Reno Gazette columnist Cory Farley also discussed the research in a March 24 column, while the San Francisco Sentinel posted a past article by former Mother Jones Reporter Chris Mooney on March 24.

GalleyCat, an Adweek blog about the publishing industry, posted a March 10 article about digital research by Matthew JockersEnglish, that demonstrates novels follow one of six or seven basic plot shapes. Jockers' work also was mentioned in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet March 28 and in Italy's RAI News March 11.

Carrick Detweiler and Sebastian Elbaumcomputer science & engineering, and graduate student John-Paul Ore were featured in a March 17 Science 360 video report about their water sampling drones. Science 360 is the news site for the National Science Foundation.