Meet Tryphena Yeboah

Photo Credit: Tryphena Yeboah
Tue, 02/15/2022 - 15:41

Tryphena Yeboah is a Ph.D. student in English from Ghana. She is the author of the chapbook A Mouthful of Home, selected by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani for the African Poetry Book Fund (APBF) New Generation African Poets Chapbook Series. Her stories have appeared in Narrative Magazine and Commonwealth Writers, among others. Tryphena reviews books for the Los Angeles Review of Books and the Chicago Review of Books.

"I heard horror stories about PhD programs," she said, "and I'm almost scared to admit I'm having a wonderful time being here.

"There's a true sense of community—I've never met a group so quick to share anything, from winter survival kits to cookies. It's the best learning experience one could ask for. I can't wait for when hugs are safe!"

What do you find most exciting about writing?
All the ways I surprise myself by what I discover in the process!

What subjects/ideas/things haunt you?
I can't stop thinking about grief and joy.

What does your work bring you?
Mostly nervousness. But also clarity each time that this is what I want to do, what I should do.

What's your go-to book recommendation, and why?
Anything by Ocean Vuong--his words are a good reminder about what it means to be alive, to love, to pay attention.

Where do you find joy, inspiration, or fun outside of writing?
I watch a lot of comedies, listen to podcasts and read short stories.