1. Transmittal Form
The transmittal form must include appropriate signatures, votes, and apportionments.
Any agreements for modification of tenure clock must be uploaded in chronological order (oldest to newest). If there have been adjustments to the candidate's apportionment of duties since hiring or most recent promotion, the chair/director should include a note of explanation.
2. Annual Evaluations and Reappointments
Include each of the following, grouped by subheading. Within each subheading, load documents by class (e.g., all MOUs), and, within each class, by chronological order, oldest to newest. For jointly appointed faculty include relevant documents from both programs.
- The original appointment letter, any MOUs for joint appointments and subsequent modification, and the Dean’s letters from the most recent reappointment or promotion. For jointly appointed faculty include letters from both programs.
- Annual evaluations (signed).
Reappointment evaluations (signed). For pretenure faculty members include the Chair/Director letter from all previous reappointment evaluations. For Faculty or Research faculty, include the Chair/Director letters for any reappointments since the previous promotion.
3. Dept. Review Committee Letter
The letter, addressed to the Chair or Director, should address all components of the candidate's apportioned duties, taking into consideration expectations within each category based upon the candidate’s apportionment. The letter should include the results of the votes on specific questions (e.g., reappointment, promotion, tenure) and an evaluation of the candidate within each area of apportionment based upon the standard adjectives: Outstanding, Superior, Good, Adequate, Inadequate, or hyphenated combinations of these. The letter must provide sufficient detail to make clear the basis for the recommendations of the faculty.
- A letter is required from the faculty review committee in each appointing unit; load the letters chronologically and then by unit. If a unit does not have a faculty review committee, a letter from the Center Director may be inserted after the letter of the department chair or unit director.
- The letter must describe the electorate. Faculty members unavailable for the vote due to absence or who are recused due to a formal conflict of interest are not counted against the total. Faculty members who are present but choose not to vote are considered to have abstained. Faculty members need to be aware that an abstention is interpreted as a lack of support for the motion.
- Even when it is allowable for faculty review committee recommendations to be conveyed through the letter from the Chair/Director letter (example would be the 2nd year evaluation for pretenure faculty) it is recommended that faculty sentiment be communicated in a separate letter from the faculty review committee. A faculty review committee letter must be provided on questions of promotion and/or tenure, the 4th year reappointment of tenure-track faculty, and any reappointment evaluation which is formally negative.
- The faculty review committee letter must indicate who is preparing the letter and whether the letter has been endorsed by the faculty review committee. The letter must be signed by the individual preparing the letter.
The department chair or head of the review committee will upload the review committee letter in the “unredacted” tab. If the letter includes any identifying information re external reviewer, a redacted version must be prepared and uploaded into the “redacted” tab.
4. Chair Letter
- Uploaded letter(s) must be signed.
- Note that if the candidate has a joint appointment, there must be two letters uploaded in this section, one from the primary department and the second from the non-primary department/unit or center.
- If the letter includes any identifying information re external reviewers, a redacted version must be uploaded ("redacted" tab for chair/director tab).
5. College P&T Letter
Contact the Dean's Office with questions.
6. Dean's Letter
Contact the Dean's Office with questions.
7. EVC Letter
The appropriate office will upload a copy of each of these documents following that review.
8. External Reviews
- The first portion of this section requires a description of how external reviewers were chosen, their qualifications, the nature of any relationship to the candidate, and whether reviewers were suggested by the department/unit, the candidate, or both. A tabular format is fine for the bulk of this section. See CAS PT Processes for more info.
- The section must include a signed copy of the candidate’s waiver statement.
- The section must include an example of correspondence soliciting evaluations. If you employed both an initial inquiry and a follow-up with details of the review, submit the latter as it will make clear the charge given to the reviewers.
- External reviews should be inserted as “Review 1”, “Review 2”, etc.
- If reviews are sent unsigned, they must be accompanied by a dated e-mail from the reviewer’s institutional account.
Upload unredacted review letters. If the candidate’s reserves the right to inspect reviewer comments, you will need to separately prepare redacted versions of reviewer letters. Contact the AD-F with any questions.
9. Peer and Department Evaluation Letters
Upload at least two signed letters of peer evaluations of teaching for any candidate whose apportionment includes teaching. The evaluations must be signed and dated. Optional: For departments who have a teaching evaluation committee, you can upload the signed report from this committee.
10. Course Listing and Evaluation
- Download and complete the Course Listing form (PDF and .docx versions available).
- List courses by date (oldest to newest) and provide final enrollments.
- Courses prior to 2020: provide numerical average evaluation of instructor and departmental averages. In a footnote, explain the departmental evaluation system (for example, “1 to 5 scale, with 1 representing strong agreement and 5 representing strong disagreement.”
- Courses 2020 and after and employing the new student learning response Do not provide any quantitative evaluation data here. Do include enrollments.
- Upload the completed form as a PDF.
- For courses taught in 2020 and later, upload the compiled Student Learning Response surveys in chronological order (insert immediately after the Course Listing). Be sure the compiled student comments are included in association with the questions that survey “what has
- Upload the completed form as a PDF.
11. Curriculum Vitae
The CV must clearly note the following:
- For any creative output listed, make clear whether the work is refereed or juried.
- For co-authored works, add an estimate of the extent of candidate contribution. This estimate may be qualitative or quantitative (percentage).
- You may also list non-refereed work, invited presentations, conference presentations, awards, etc.
- We recommend listing products by type: monographs, edited volumes, articles, conference presentations, other. Within each section, we recommend breaking out products by whether they are peer-reviewed, and then listing by date.
- For grants, note official role (e.g., PI, Co-PI, Co-Investigator) and information (percent effort or budget fraction) making clear the effort/proportion of funding on the grant.
- Contributions related to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Outreach, or Scholarly Engagement may be listed separately or in any section of the CV.
For a more complete description of areas/items to be listed, visit the EVC's website (areas listed under Appendices). See also Documenting Quality Teaching.
12. Candidate Statements
Statements can be uploaded as a single document containing subheadings or as individual documents (e.g., Research, Teaching, Service, Administration, DEI, Scholarly Outreach). The overall Statements section may be no more than 15 pages. It is up to the candidate to decide relevant amount of material for each area of effort; a standard piece of advice is to use one’s apportionment as a guide.
Separate sections may be included for efforts related to DEI and Scholarly Outreach. Contributions within these areas may also be discussed within any or all of the sections described above, or within stand-alone sections.
If your candidate statement is a single PDF file, please upload using the Combined Statement button. If you have your statements separated out in individual files, please upload each statement and select the corresponding document title. There is no preference with regard to combined or individualized statements.
The statement identifies and explains the significance of work that the candidate considers the most significant and impactful. It is important that the statement point out existing and predicted impact. Sample statements are provided at File Preparation. This statement should reference supporting materials in the Appendices.
- Examples of topics which might be included
- Documenting Quality Teaching
- Sample statements
13. Appendices
There is no limit on material included in appendices. There are some required and strongly recommended elements (below). Anything else is up to you.
Anything placed in the appendices should be mentioned in the Statement (another way of saying this is that no evaluator is going to go into the appendices unless they are following a mention, reference, legend, or footnote found in the CV or Statements.
Evidence of Teaching
Please upload significant and relevant information referred to within the Candidate section. See for suggested content. See also:
It is required that you upload the following, if your apportionment includes teaching:
1. For courses taught pre-2020: Student evaluation forms or transcripts of all written comments; include summary of ratings here if not included earlier in the file. (If you have large student evaluations and cannot convert them into an electronic version, please submit one paper copy of the evaluations to the Dean's Office.)
2. Syllabi for courses taught.
For ideas of other materials, see
Evident of Scholarly, Professional, and Creative Activity
Please upload significant and relevant information referred to within the Candidate section. See for suggested content.
If your apportionment includes research/creative activity, upload scholarly publications from the period under review.
If your publications include a book and you have an electronic version of it, please upload it here. If you do not have an electronic version of your book, please send one hard copy to the Dean's Office which will be returned to you at the end of the process.
Other materials that you might chose to include in this portion of the appendices.
Evidence of Professional and Institutional Service
Please upload significant and relevant information referred to within the Candidate section. Suggested content.
Note: Supporting information related to DEI, Scholarly Engagement/Outreach can be placed in any part of the appendices.