Merit and Need-Based Scholarships
Prospective Students
Visit these pages on the Undergraduate Office of Admissions website for complete information about applying for scholarships:
Scholarships Supplemental Scholarship Application
Current Students
Submit one application to be considered for all university and college scholarships.
Available Scholarships How to Apply for Scholarships
Experiential Learning Funds
Every CAS student should have the opportunity to participate in a transformative learning experience. These funds have been generously offered by alumni and donors.
Global Learning
Study abroad, virtual programs, and international internships. The Education Abroad Office administers the college funding and offers suggestions for other sources.
Internships and Research
Students may apply for up to $1500 of funding that enables their participation in an internship or research opportunity.
CAS Cares
Emergency student support for overcoming obstacles to graduation.
Each undergraduate and graduate student in the college has a unique set of circumstances guiding and contributing to their educational experience. This fund helps those students through short-term financial challenges that might inhibit their ability to complete their education.
Funding for RSO Events
To encourage CAS student organizations to create a vibrant campus community with students and faculty, we are offering RSOs $75 to host an event.
Up to $250 is available for student activities that promote career development.