Biological Sciences
Lincoln, NE
Why you chose your major
I’ve probably known I’ve wanted to be some sort of physician since elementary school, so that kind of chose the science related major and minor for me. I chose leadership communications though, because my whole life leadership has been a huge part of it and continues to be. I’m hoping through this minor I’ll be able to learn knew things and be able to apply that to leadership different parts of my life to come.
Favorite and/or most impactful course
Gen Chem 109 with Dr. Jason Kautz had made the biggest impact on me. I say this because this class most quickly adjusted me to the intensity of a college science major. Not only did this class do that, but it brought me a professor that honestly defied the odds when it came to my perceptions of college professors. A professor who cared and intentionally fostered a relationship with me. I wasn’t just one of the thousands of students he’s had and will continue to have. I was Gavin McGerr, just as I would’ve been to a close high school teacher.
Other involvement
I volunteer at the Belmont Community Center helping younger kids with an after school program. I also volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s in the Critical Care Unit helping where I can. And I also volunteer at Clinic with a Heart. I am the Vice President of my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, where I am also my class Social Chair and was previously the House Social Chair. Other than that I am involved in a few pre-med clubs here on campus like AMSA, NU-Meds, and Med-Life.
Why you chose Nebraska
I decided to come to Nebraska because I am from a small private school here in town, Lincoln Christian, and due to that I had the opportunity to stay in state but still feel like it was a big adjustment with new people and experiences ahead.
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