Marketing and Communication

Marketing and Communication

Our areas are encouraged to consult with the college’s Marketing and Communication (MarComm) team. We collaborate on resources and provide direction for:

  • Digital communications: eNews, social media, digital signage, and website development
  • Event coordination
  • Media relations
  • News releases and stories
  • Photography
  • Print marketing materials: brochures, posters, flyers, newsletter, and direct mail pieces
  • Video

We will help you find the right resource to accomplish your goals.

Contact Terri Pieper, Director of Marketing and Communication, at 472-2826 or to get started.

Branding Guidelines

In general, communication should follow the university’s brand identity, outlined in the Brand Guide, and include:

  • Email signatures
  • Lockups for the college and areas - the Nebraska N and area name as one graphic - which can be downloaded from the university’s Lockup Factory using your university credentials
  • Nondiscrimination statement to link to online.
    For print, use: “The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based upon any protected status. Please see ©2024, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved.”
  • Voice and writing guidelines in general
  • Wordmark
  • Writing style guide - topics in alphabetical order

CAS has developed a college look that incorporates the university's presence while integrating elements that represent our areas. We use fonts, colors and themes in conjunction with the university’s toolbox and brand book.

Nebraska N

News, Stories, and Events

Step 1
Your area

First, gather the who, what, when, where, and why.

Then, post to:

Step 2
The college

We will review the details of your content to decide what actions to take. We may:

  • Post as news to the college website
  • Assist with posting to your area website, if needed
  • Post to college social media channels
  • Publish digital signage for first floor and twelfth floor of Oldfather Hall, which can be shared with other areas’ digital signage as relevant
  • Post event details to college event calendar

We work with University Communication to determine what stories are elevated beyond your area and the college channels. The writers we work with are Deann Gayman, Social Sciences and Humanities; and Scott Schrage, Natural and Mathematical Sciences.

Step 3
University Communication

They determine whether the content is at the level of a news release and/or Nebraska Today story. If so, they may share in a variety of ways:

  • Format and distribute the news release via Announce
  • Publish on Nebraska Today
  • Post to the university's Facebook and Twitter channels
  • Post to the university event calendar

You will need to check Nebraska Today periodically. University Communication does not guarantee publication.

Share your story collage

Students, alumni, and faculty can share stories by filling out a quick web form to showcase opportunities and experiences at Nebraska.

Share your story

Advocacy and Statements of Support

The Dean’s Office encourages and supports efforts to remain engaged citizens in the communities and on the issues that matter to our faculty, departments, and programs.

Background, Best Practices, and Website Formats

Suggestions for Promoting a Class

  • Post flyers on bulletin boards in buildings. Most are on the first floors. Louise Pound Hall (LPH) is on the third floor. Oldfather Hall, Andrews Hall, and Burnett Hall have boards on first, second, and third floors.
  • If there is a brief write up on the class—MarComm can create a news entry on the unit’s website which social media posts can point to, especially if it is a new course.
  • The department can also add the flyer to their digital signage. If it is a new course, MarComm can add to college general signs for two weeks. The flyer can be sent to Terri Pieper to be uploaded to any digital signage within the college, and we can proceed from there on where is it appropriate to display. Here is a Course Slide Tool.
  • Send the flyer to colleagues to share in their classes as another continuing education opportunity.
  • Use the unit’s social media channels to share about the course. MarComm can help schedule posts if we have access to the unit’s social media platforms.
  • The college will amplify the unit’s social media post by liking and resharing it.

Digital Signage

The College of Arts and Sciences has digital signage guidelines. Please review these before creating and sending a digital sign request.

If you want to add content to digital signage:

If you are an area in our college and are interested in installing a digital signage display, please contact Terri Pieper.

digital signage

Event Coordination

If you or your area are planning an event on campus and would like consultation about available resources, the college has an event coordinator who can meet with you. Use this form to send us the details regarding an event.

Event Request Form

Celebration of Excellence
in front of Architecture Hall on UNL campus


Images available:

Print, PowerPoint, Form and Certificate Templates

If you are not a designer and need a set of templates for small runs of flyers, posters, ads, or postcards, University Communication (UComm) created these templates, which are available in InDesign format. You are able to switch typefaces, headline/copy blocks and images. You are also able to add your naming lockup to all the versions. If you need more customization, please contact UComm to help manage your project from beginning to end.

Information about university fonts is available on UComm's Typography webpage.

Flyer and PowerPoint

Specialty Items and Printing


Specialty items

Please contact Terri Pieper with any artwork for t-shirts or specialty items to ensure it is in compliance with university guidelines.

The university has approved vendors to use - here are a couple.


On campus sources:


Hosting and captions

MediaHub is the university's proprietary audio and video platform that allows users to upload, store, and display media. Videos can be viewed in places where YouTube is blocked, such as China and K-12 schools.

  • You can start a channel for your area by selecting '+ New Channel' at the bottom of the Manage Media page. Use the same Manage Media page to upload a video or audio item. During the process, you will choose the channel(s) it is posted on.
  • To add a video to the college's Mediahub channel, contact Mike O'Connor on the Marketing and Communication team.
  • To add a video to the university's Mediahub channel, contact University Communication.

Captions are required on videos to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act for accessibility. If your video does not have captions, Mediahub provides a cost-effective way of adding them.

The university has a YouTube channel with playlists. YouTube is the second largest search engine and reaches more people than Mediahub. YouTube videos can be captioned with a file provided by Mediahub.

To post to YouTube, contact University Communication.

Production and recording

Contact University Communication's Videography area and talk to Aaron Nix at or 472-8520.

Contact IANR Media and talk to Mike Kamm, or 472-9716.

Web Development


University resources for all websites:

  • UNLcms is the system in the background of the college’s websites that allows you to manage and make basic edits to web pages and manage related files. UNLcms documentation: a how-to guide for using the UNLcms.
  • The Web Developer Network is a campus-wide community of developers. Their website provides a number of resources, including a Standards Guide. You can also use their chat room for questions.
  • The university provides a Branding Guide for all communications.

College resource for area websites:

An icon set that provides icons in .svg and .png formats is available from IANR Media.


UNLedu Web Framework is the university’s website template. Use this for content formatting and layout.

Nebraska's Web Framework documentation for columned layouts, horizontal content sections (bands), images, color palette, and other tricks for advanced developers.

IANR Media resources provides additional tools, such as responsive tables, for advanced users.

Send technical questions to Mike O’Connor, Web Specialist for the college, at