Gerontology, Pre-PA
Hastings, NE
Why you chose your major
I chose my major because I’m very interested in science and it lined up the most with all of the pre-PA prerequisites. I chose my minor because it is a genuine interest of mine. I know that one day it will be a large patient population of mine, so it will be helpful in the future.
Favorite and/or most impactful course
Death & Dying has made the largest impact on me. It has taught me the importance of life and living, and coming to terms with the normal stages of life, as well as how to live a life geared towards longevity.
Research or internship experience
I had an internship this last summer at Hastings Family Medical Clinic. I was a CNA/ Phoebotomist. In this role, I learned various skills that will be vital towards my future career. I was also able to learn how a healthcare systems operates. This internship was crucial to my career trajectory.
Other involvement
At UNL, I am a member of Alpha Phi sorority. In this sorority, I have held a leadership position titled director of sisterhood where I organized monthly events, as well as the big-little event. I am also in two clubs on campus. I am a member of the Pre-PA Club. In this, we gather to learn more about the profession, how to become a better applicant, and volunteer opportunities. I am also a member of the Gerontology Club. In this club, we meet to learn about this population, as well as volunteer to make a difference in communities populated with older adults.
Why you chose Nebraska
I wanted to stay in state and wanted to go to a big university- Nebraska was the best of both worlds.
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