Houston, TX
Why you chose your major
I chose Psychology due my interest in the brain and the body as well as my interest in various disorders and the affects of adverse life experiences on a human. I chose English in order to advance my writing abilities to prepare me for future writing.
Favorite and/or most impactful course
PSYC 350- Research Methods and Data Analysis, has made the biggest impact on me as it increased my interest and knowledge relating to research and helped refine key study techniques I now utilize daily.
Research or internship experience
I have been working for the Sexual Assault and Sexual Health (SASH) lab for a few years and have found great joy in research conduction, analysis, collaboration with mentors, and contributing to psychological knowledge in a field I am passionate about.
Other involvement
I am a member of the Honors program, Psych club, and Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology. I am also a Clinical Psychologist assistant, and the developer of a daycare and ‘safe space’ psychologically centered gatherings at the People’s City Mission homeless shelter.
Why you chose Nebraska
I decided to come to Nebraska due to their exceptional department of Psychology and the abundance of research opportunities available.
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