Staff Council Past Events

General Events

CAS Connections Spring 2022

March 17, 2022

The Productive Employee: Improve your Well-being by Managing Your Email, To-Do List, and Time Better

Dr. Celeste Spier

Sept. 29

Well-Being: The Nine-Dimensional Balancing Act

Connie Boehm

Watch the Zoom recording

The Art and Science of Happiness

Molly Brummond

July 22, 2020

Cookie Decorating
December 10, 2019

REACH Training
November 2019

CAS Connections
October 2019
CAS Staff Council is kicking off a new event this fall for staff to connect on different topics and issues they’re interested in! Our first event is Oct. 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and will be held in 1007 Oldfather. Breakfast snacks and refreshments will be served. The goals of this first event are to: 1) allow staff to CONNECT, 2) learn about what’s working well across different areas, and 3) learn how the Staff Council can help serve the staff of the College. From 8:30 to 9 will be social time, and from 9 to 10 we will break into groups by topic so that staff with similar duties can meet one another. We hope to see lots of staff and new faces there, and to help facilitate this, we are allowing offices to close during this event so that staff can attend more easily. Contact Lindsay Augustyn at with any questions.

How Sweet It Is! The History of Chocolate
December 8

OUCH: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
November 2017

Spring tour of Manter renovations
April 22, 2016

How Can You Learn to Like Your Computer, but Not Love It
Donald Costello
March 23, 2016

SPARK! Discussion on Wellness 
Alycia Libolt and JaMel Ways
March 3, 2016

How Do our Students Get Here?: Recruitment in the College of Arts and Sciences
Jodi Holt and Kara Brant
November 9, 2015

Is a Liberal Arts Major a Good Decision?: An A&S Staff Members’ Guide to Liberal Arts Majors and Careers
Celeste Spier
October 19, 2015

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Shannon Parry
September 9, 2015

"Pass It On"
Dr. Andrew Fortune
June 9, 2015

Communications: Nonverbal Cues
Dr. Charles Braithwaite
May 5, 2015

"Active Bystander"
Jan Deeds
February 17, 2015

Tour of Brace Lab
February 6, 2015

"Spark Your Wellness"
Kim Barrett
January 27, 2015

LGBTQA+ Topics
Pat Tetreault
November 3, 2014

"Linked In"
Diane Sifekes
April 7, 2014

“Don't Worry, Be Happy; Positive Psychology and the Art of Happiness"
Dr. Robert Portnoy
with the CEHS Staff Council
January 2014

FBI Safety Meeting
February 6, 2014.

Campus Rec Tour
January 2014

Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Tour
November 2013

Communication is a Contact Sport 
Sandra Stockall
November 2013

Show & Tell Workshop
April 2013

Brown Bag Luncheon with the Dean
March 2013

Master Plan of UNL Campus
Jennifer Dam
January 2013

UNL Benefit Presentation
Greg Clayton

Ice Cream Social

Schorr Center Tour

Brown Bag on IT Training
Ranelle Maltas

Spark Discussions

Total Body Tone
Shelly Sorensen
March 2015

Relational Dialectics
Lindsay Augustyn
January 2014

Understanding Depression-
The Invisible Illness
JaMel Ways, September 2014

Emotional Intelligence and Soft Skills: What Employers are Seeking
Lori Byrne
December 2013

Mike O'Connor
July 2014

Yes, And
Mike O'Connor
August 2013

TED Talk: Steve Jobs
Mike O'Connor
May 30

8D Problem Solving Process
Carissa Martin
June 6

Miss Education
Shannon Parry
June 13

Investigating Organizational Fit in a Participatory Leadership
Alecia Kimbrough
June 20

TED Talk: Susan Cain "The Power of Introverts"
Barbara Trail
June 27

Internationalizing Academia: What can support staff do?
Shawn Langan
July 11

TED Talk: Dan Pink, "The Puzzle of Motivation"
Tom Danaher
July 18

Be the architect of a positive work environment
Dodie Eveleth
July 25