A degree from the College of Arts and Sciences opens up countless career options. Employers are looking for both strong academic preparation and career experience. Connect with academic advisors and career coaches to make your plan for success!
Every semester: Connect with faculty, academic advisors, and career coaches
First year: Get settled and identify your resources
Second year: Explore career interests and prepare to gain experience
Third year: Gain experience and build your network
Fourth year: Make a plan for after graduation
Every semester
Visit each instructor's office hours at least once. Introduce yourself and ask a few questions about succeeding in the course. These interactions could lead to a long-term relationship resulting in research opportunities and a reference for future employment or advanced education.
Meet with your academic advisor. Every College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) student is assigned a professional academic advisor who is committed to your personal, academic, and professional success. Your assigned advisor is based on your primary major. Check MyRED for the name and contact information for your academic advisor. See your advisor's calendar and sign up for an appointment in Student Success Hub at my.unl.edu
Review and update your degree plan. Your academic advisor will help you start your plan using the Degree Planner tool in MyRED. Together you'll make long term and short term plans that allow you to make progress toward your degree while choosing courses that fuel your curiosity.
Connect with the career coaches. Explore your interests, abilities, and career values. Identify and prepare to apply for internships, research, education abroad, service, and leadership opportunities. Research career options or graduate programs that connect to your academic program and your long-term goals. Develop your resume and practice interview skills. Use Student Success Hub to schedule an appointment.
Respond to Academic Navigators. They work with our academic advisors and career coaches to connect you with resources and develop a plan for success—and they are great listeners.
Use the academic calendar. Stay on top of deadlines for changing your courses or your grade options.
Sign up for classes early during Priority Registration for the best selection of courses, days, and times. Your registration date and time depends on your class standing and can be found in MyRED.
Check your @huskers.unl.edu email once a day. This is a primary mode of communication for official university business. Your academic advisor will also share weekly or every other week content about dates and deadlines along with events and opportunities on campus and in your major department.
Complete CASC 050: Start Smart in Arts and Sciences before your first day of classes at UNL. You'll find this quick, online course in CANVAS a few weeks before classes begin. This is a required course that carries a grade of Pass or No Pass.
First year
Check-in with your academic advisor early in your first and second semester (September for Fall, February for Spring). New students in CAS are required to meet with their assigned academic advisor prior to enrolling in next semester's classes.
Learn how to use online tools like MyRED, Student Success Hub, Degree Planner, Degree Audit, and Undergraduate Catalog.
Use academic resources like the Writing Center, Math Resource Center, Language Lab, and more.
Attend workshops by the Center for Academic Success and Transition on study skills, time management, note- and test-taking strategies, and more.
Join at least two student organizations including one related to your academic or career interests. There are nearly 500 to choose from at UNL.
Activate your Handshake account, the university's online job-search system. Part-time jobs on and off campus are listed here, as well as internships and full-time jobs for later.
Meet with a career coach to explore your interests, abilities, and values. Have a conversation about where you want to go, who you want to become, and how you can get there. Learn about ways to gain hands-on experience while at the university.
Second year
If you are Pre-Health or Pre-Law, visit with an Explore Center advisor to make a plan for prerequisite courses, involvement and experience, admissions tests, applications, and more, 127 Love Library South.
Explore available minors or even a second major. Flexibility is one of the best things about being a CAS student!
Use Handshake to connect with employers for internships and jobs.
Participate in a Global Experiences Office "Huskers Abroad 101 Session" to learn about programs, processes, planning, and the Early Abroad Scholarship.
Identify opportunities to engage in research within your academic program including the Undergraduate Creative and Research Experience (UCARE) program.
Enroll in CASC 098 to include your research on your transcript.
Stay involved with student organizations and seek opportunities to hold a leadership position.
Meet with a career coach to discuss your career interests, identify ways to gain experience, and fulfill the experiential learning requirement that will best prepare you to meet your goals.
Draft or update your resume and have it reviewed by a career coach. Continue to develop and customize it for each use and seek feedback from a variety of sources including faculty and employers.
Consider taking CASC 200: Career Development for Arts and Sciences Students to guide your next steps toward gaining experience and planning for after graduation.
Third Year
Set up LinkedIn and Husker Connect accounts and start building your network with classmates, co-workers, friends, family, and alumni.
If you are currently working, ask yourself if the position is related to your career goals and if not, work with a career coach and challenge yourself to seek new opportunities.
Use Handshake to search and apply for internships.
Meet with a career coach to discuss your long-term goals, update your resume, and plan your next steps.
Enroll in CASC 95 or 395 to plan your internship experience and document it on your transcript.
Attend career fairs and programs to gather career information and connect with employers.
Investigate graduate/professional school programs and develop a timeline for admission tests and applications.
Confirm your graduation requirements with your advisor before registering for classes in your last two semesters.
Fourth Year
Apply for graduation as soon as you are eligible, and complete the graduation survey about your plans.
Identify references for jobs or graduate/professional school among faculty, advisors and employers. Seek their permission and share your plans.
Begin a professional job search early. If you are graduating in May, start in the fall. Meet with a career coach to discuss strategies and resources.
Connect with employers by attending career fairs and programs and using Handshake to find jobs.
Apply for graduate or professional programs well in advance of established deadlines.
Participate in a mock interview for employment or graduate school admission with a career coach.