Zein Saleh

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Political Science, Psychology


Lincoln, NE

Why you chose your major
I've always been interested in government and politics so I knew I wanted to major in Political Science before arriving at UNL. After coming to UNL and becoming involved in research, I am now largely interested in political psychology, and examining the effects of racial diversity on political attitudes and intergroup relations. Therefore, I declared a psychology major at the start of my sophomore year.

Favorite and/or most impactful course
My Genetics, Brains, and Politics course largely expanded the depth of my knowledge in the literature and methods used in political psychology, further motivating me to conduct interdisciplinary research.

Research or internship experience
Last summer, I was an intern in the Boston College Cooperation Lab funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Through this experience, I was able to conduct first-hand experimental research examining social development and cooperation in children, learned to analyze data in R, and received mentoring by graduate students and postdocs on the development of an effective personal statement and the graduate school application process.

Other involvement
I am currently an ASUN Senator for the College of Arts & Sciences and Co-Chair of the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee as well as the ASUN Internal Vice President-Elect. I am also a TA in the psychology department and serve on the Psychology Department Undergraduate Committee. I am also a UCARE research assistant in the Political Attitudes & Cognition Lab. Finally, I am a special events intern in the Office of the Chancellor.

Why you chose Nebraska
Given that I'm from Lincoln and the excellent financial aid offered at UNL, coming to Nebraska was an easy option.

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