3 CAS Huskers earn certificate of sales excellence

Photo Credit: Students who earned their undergraduate certificates of sales excellence were celebrated at a Center for Sales Excellence luncheon
Mon, 05/13/2024 - 14:19

Three students in the College of Arts and Sciences are among fifty-five University of Nebraska–Lincoln students who have earned undergraduate certificates of sales excellence and were honored at a May 3 event hosted by the Center for Sales Excellence.

"The center works with students of any major at the university — as we all sell something," said Kathy Farrell, James Jr. and Susan Stuart Endowed Dean of the College of Business. "Whether it's selling our skills to a future employer, selling in our jobs or simply selling our ideas to others, sales skills are valuable. These students have a competitive edge in the job market."

State-of-the-art technology within the Center for Sales Excellence role-play rooms allows students to practice pitching and receive real-time feedback on their techniques, honing their communication and selling capabilities. Students also participate in regional and national role-play competitions.

The students completed 15 credit hours of sales coursework to sharpen their communication and relationship-building skills. Students can opt to take another three credit hours to earn an advanced certificate.

  • Kaylee Bray, senior, psychology
  • Maeya Gydesen, senior, global studies (and advertising and public relations through CoJMC)
  • Mia Tillemans, senior, communication studies