Faculty and staff recognition

Honoring faculty and staff who advance the mission of the university in teaching, research and service.

Recognition archives


Nominate someone for college-level recognition

Applause Award

Honoring our staff who perform their jobs extraordinarily well. Selected recipients will receive an additional Annual Applause Award.

CAS Engagement Award

Recognizes people or units involved in exemplary engagement activities that have an impact beyond the university.

CAS Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Award

Honors people, organizations, or units within the college involved in innovative or exemplary activities that have an impact on campus or in the community that promotes inclusive excellence and diversity.

CAS Mentoring Award

Honors faculty or staff involved in exemplary mentoring activities. Many of our faculty and staff are dedicated and effective mentors, and this award recognizes mentoring excellence that goes above and beyond normally expected contributions.

College Outstanding Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) Award

Recognizes significant research and creative accomplishments of UNL faculty in the last five years.

Distinguished Teaching Awards

The College Distinguished Teaching Award honors consistently excellent teaching.

The Hazel McClymont Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award honors exemplary teaching, based on four criteria.

Ovation Award

Recognizing our outstanding student workers.


The highest form of recognition.

The Willa Cather/Charles Bessey professorship recognizes distinguished scholarship or creative activity.

The John E. Weaver/Aaron Douglas professorship recognizes a sustained record of teaching excellence and national visibility for instructional activities/practice.

The Susan J. Rosowski professorship recognizes significant contributions in research and teaching and exceptional promise for future excellence

  • Due to the college by October 1, 2024 - the college due date is earlier than the EVC date because the college's Endowed Professorship Committee and the dean review the files.
  • Nomination process
  • Awardees

Nominate someone for university-level recognition

Annis Chaikin Sorensen Distinguished Teaching Award in the Humanities

Recognizes an individual for his/her outstanding teaching in the humanities.

Edgerton Junior Faculty Award

Honors an outstanding junior faculty member who has demonstrated creative research, extraordinary teaching abilities, and academic promise.

  • Due to the college by December 2, 2024
  • Instructions:
    • Provide the nomination letter, abbreviated c.v., and candidate statement
    • Do not complete the nomination form—the college will submit this on behalf of the top-ranked nominee

O’Hanlon Academic Leader Award

Honors an academic leader who has demonstrated exceptional abilities to lead, serve, inspire, and collaborate on the academic goals of the university.

Nominate someone for system-level recognition

Faculty IP Innovation and Commercialization Award (FIPICA)

Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have developed and nurtured new intellectual property from concept to licensing/startup business.

Inclusive Excellence Collaboration Award (IECA)

Recognizes outstanding contributions which advance diversity, access and inclusion and equitable outcomes that drive inclusive excellence.

Innovation, Development, and Engagement Award (IDEA)

Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have extended their academic expertise beyond the boundaries of the University in ways that have enriched the broader community.

Outstanding Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) Award

Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have conducted outstanding research or creative activity of national/international significance.

Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA)

Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have developed meritorious and sustained records of excellence in teaching and creativity related to teaching.

University-wide Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA)

Honors a department/unit at the University of Nebraska which has outstanding esprit de corps in its dedication to the education of students at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels.