Achievements, February 2, 2018

Photo Credit: Gateway
Fri, 03/02/2018 - 10:45

Sheri Fritz, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Paleolimnology Association. First awarded in 2008, the honor recognizes those who have advanced the field of paleolimnology — which studies extremely old biological remains and sediment to reconstruct the history of lakes, rivers and other inland waters — and who have furthered the public's understanding of long-term environmental change. The association will present Fritz with a medal to commemorate her award at a June symposium in Stockholm, Sweden.

Suat Irmak, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, published a paper that investigated long-term spatio-temporal climate impacts on crops grown within counties in the Great Plains region. The paper, which published in Nature Scientific Reports, examined impacts on agriculture in all 834 counties in the region.