105 Brace Laboratory
3:00-4:30 p.m.
The purpose of these workshops is to engage CAS instructors (faculty, graduate students, etc.) in hands-on course development centered around equity and inclusivity, leading to better student outcomes. The college aims to lead in inclusive excellence and diversity, and we know that students' experiences in CAS courses are a key part of feeling that they belong at our university in their major.
Seating is limited, so registration is required.
Mar. 1 | Applying Active Learning Bring a lesson or lecture notes you have for a particular topic, and we'll work in groups to brainstorm ways to adapt or transform your materials to more actively engage students. |
Mar. 22 | Assessing and Grading Student Learning We will discuss ways to align grading practices, assessment types, and student learning outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small groups to revise particular assessment and grading practices. We'll explore time considerations (for instructors and students) and the affordances of different types of assessment practices. |
Apr. 19 | Fostering Student Belonging Inside and Outside the Classroom We'll explore actions instructors can take to provide supports to students inside and outside the classroom to foster feelings of belonging (that students belong at UNL, in CAS, in their major, in specific courses). |
The workshops will be led by Dr. Wendy Smith, a research professor and the director of UNL’s Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education. Wendy’s degrees are in mathematics and education; their research revolves around effective and equitable teaching and learning, and how to support people in transforming their institutional cultures to value systemic instructional improvement efforts.
June Griffin