CAS in the national news, May 2018

Photo Credit: Newspapers
Fri, 06/08/2018 - 11:07

John Borstelmann, a junior chemistry major, won a national title in the Club individual road omnium at the recent USA Cycling Collegiate Road National Championships in Grand Junction, Colorado. An Associated Press story on the championships ran in The Washington PostUSA Today and more than 15 other media outlets across the country.

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Jennine Capó Crucet, English and ethnic studies, was featured in a May 7 Bustle list of influential Latina authors. Crucet is the author of the short story collection "How to Leave Hialeah" and the novel "Make Your Home Among Strangers."

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A research team led by Allison Johnson, biological sciences, found evidence that individuals of one fairy-wren species can recognize specific members of another — the first experimental evidence of recognition across non-primate species. An article on the research appeared May 27 on Futurity.