CAS students named to Franco's List, honored for civic engagement

Photo Credit: Gateway N
Tue, 05/01/2018 - 10:22

Student Affairs' Character Council recently recognized students for being named to ‘Franco’s List’; earning certificates and service awards through the Center for Civic Engagement; and receiving the Sam Foltz Award and the Franco Fund Scholarship.

Franco's List

‘Franco’s List’ is a distinction for character and integrity that is similar to a Dean’s List. Karl Shaffer, Lauren Taylor, Zainab Saleh, Jeong Ah Kim, Tuvet "Mickey" Tran, Alexis Gass, Emma Himes, Xinyue Wang, Hailey Fischer, Eric Bohnenkamp, and Alexis Grossnicklaus were named to the list.

Sam Foltz Award

Senior Cassy Ross received the Sam Foltz award, which honors one Franco’s List recipient each academic year who exhibits caring, courage, commitment and open-mindedness.

Franco Fund

In honor of the late Juan Franco, the council awards a $250 scholarship known as the 'Franco Fund' to the Franco’s List recipient who has given their time to philantrhopic organizations each academic year. Cooper Christiancy, a student active in the university's chapter of Define American and a volunteer for El Centro de Las Americas, received the scholarship.

Certificates for Civic Engagement

The Center for Civic Engagement honored nine students for completing the certificate program which integrated academic outcomes and student life experiences.

  • Corrin Bemis, final project: "Summit for Women in STEM and Business"
  • Jennifer Davis, final project: "Pre-PA Guide"
  • Emily Johnson, final project: "UCARE" Two Computerized Tests of Attention"
  • Kezie Mwaniki, final project: "Empowering UNL Students to Become Better Leaders"
  • Carly O'Dell, final project: "TeamMates"
  • Melissa Throener, final project: "Coach for Gifls Basketball and Raymond Central"