Curious Alumni: Jhonatan Henao-Muñoz

Photo Credit: Jhonatan Henao-Muñoz
Wed, 02/05/2020 - 11:27

Jhonatan Henao-Muñoz

2017 Modern Languages and Literatures Graduate

What is your job title, and what kind of work does it involve?
Thanks to UNL, I'm pursuing a Ph.D. at The University of Arizona where I'm also a Graduate Associate. Nebraska has provided me with the skills to perform as a Language Instructor, Study Abroad Assistant Coordinator, Spanish Minor Adviser, and Critical Service Learning and Community Outreach Graduate Assistant. 

My positions have involved co-working with the community, inside and outside the university. I would say that I have become what my UNL professors are to me: I am a mentor to my graduate and undergraduate peers. 

What sparked your interest in your major(s) or area(s) of study?
I am a communicative person by nature and I really enjoy interacting with, learning from and teaching to others. In addition, languages are the door to other countries and cultures, they are the ticket for a brand-new experience.

I can say that languages are my thing. From the form to the use, I understand languages as a set of patterns that links people’s feeling and thoughts together. Also, reading original texts and watching movies without subtitles should be considered as a superpower. Moreover, traveling where a language you speak is used gives you another perception of living the adventure. 

What is the value of your area of study?
An additional language can open multiple possibilities in diverse aspects of one's own life and others' lives. 

What was the path you took to get to where you are today and how did your area of study help you get there?
I started my adventure in the coffee land [Manizales, Colombia]. Majoring in Modern Languages (Spanish/English/French) prepared me for my American Higher Education adventure. I got the opportunity to pursue a M.A. at Nebraska. There I focused my interests on linguistics, language acquisition, and teaching. I got to meet lots of fantastic faculty which mentored me through academia's path.

This describes a little more.

Were there any other experiences from your time at UNL that helped you get to where you are now?
The scholarly community is well connected. My mentors did their best to provide me with the necessary information to succeed in U.S. academia.

Whenever I hesitate about something, I contact them. They are my academic family, and I cannot be more thankful for that.

Each floor of the Oldfather building has plenty of great colleagues, my office used to be on the 11th floor. At every elevator stop, I was able to have multiple conversations with national and international people! They were so nice and I could not be more happy working within a professional and friendly ambiance.