Five CAS students earn Fulbright awards

Photo Credit: Jaela Hardin, Rachael Lange, Sadie Ritter, McKenzie Nelson, and Francine Mace
Tue, 05/16/2023 - 16:39

Five students with majors in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) are among six at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln who earned Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards for the 2022-23 academic year.

The U.S.'s flagship international educational exchange program is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries. Recipients are selected in an open, merit-based competition that considers leadership potential, academic and/or professional achievement and record of service. Since 1946, more than 400,000 participants from over 160 countries have studied, taught. conducted research, exchanged ideas, and contributed to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Recipients from CAS:

  • Jaela Hardin, psychology and Spanish
    Costa Rica, Study/Research
  • Rachael Lange, philosophy and Russian
    Georgia, English Teaching Assistant
  • Francine Mace, global studies, political science and Latin American studies
    Argentina, English Teaching Assistant
  • McKenzie Nelson, German and global studies
    Germany, English Teaching Assistant
  • Sadie Ritter, global studies and Russian
    Kazakhstan, English Teaching Assistant

Semifinalists from CAS:

  • Aaliyah Miller, nutrition and health sciences (via CEHS) and psychology
    Taiwan, Master's Degree Program Awards: Taipei Medical University Awards in Mind, Brain and Consciousness
  • Allison Shelbourn, biological sciences and psychology
    Colombia, English Teaching Assistant
  • Isabelle Vlach, global studies
    Germany, English Teaching Assistant
  • Kelly Zach, classics and religious studies
    Turkey, English Teaching Assistant

"Every year we strive to prepare students (with global studies majors) to be global changemakers," Emira Ibrahimpasic, assistant director of the Global Studies program in the School of Global Integrative Studies, said.

Mace, Nelson, and Ritter share their perspective on applying for the Fulbright award.

How did you first learn about Fulbright?

Mace: I learned about Fulbright when I first visited the University of Nebraska as a prospective student. It had always been my intention to start law school right after graduating, but because of the pandemic, I was unable to study abroad. I really enjoy teaching so I looked into teaching abroad programs and was encouraged by Emira Ibrahimpasic last summer to apply for Fulbright and other foreign teaching opportunities.

Nelson: I first heard about Fulbright my freshman year in my Introduction to Global Studies class with Dr. Ibrahimpašić. 

Ritter: I've known about Fulbright ever since I was 16 after stumbling across it on the internet. I have been interested in applying ever since.

Why did you apply for Fulbright?

Mace: I became a teaching assistant in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the Spring of 2022 after taking Descriptive Astronomy (ASTR 103) to satisfy my ACE 4 requirement. I was asked to be a teaching assistant for the following semester, and have loved working with students. I decided to apply to Fulbright because I wanted to continue teaching by sharing US cultural practices with Argentinians, improve my conversational Spanish, and build stronger connections with my extended family there.

Nelson: Fulbright offers a unique opportunity for me to live in a new country for a year and immerse myself in the culture. It also allows me to continue assisting non-native speakers in learning English. 

Ritter: The Fulbright program emphasizes cultural exchange and understanding, providing a unique opportunity for me to learn about a different culture firsthand. I am eager to immerse myself in the local community, interact with people from diverse backgrounds, and gain a deeper understanding of the local language, customs, and traditions. I believe that this cross-cultural experience will broaden my perspective, increase my intercultural competency, and foster meaningful connections with people from different parts of the world. This will be especially useful for my career, as I would like to be a Foreign Service Officer in Public Diplomacy.

What do you hope to get out of your experience with Fulbright?

Mace: One of the most important aspects of my Fulbright grant for me will be the potential impact that the experience has on my future endeavors. When I return, I plan to go to law school and become an immigration attorney, so being exceptionally proficient in Spanish is key for me. Another important aspiration from my Fulbright grant will be to become a better teacher. This experience will help me develop significant leadership skills that I can transfer into my career like public speaking, project management, and problem solving. Other aspects that I hope to get out of this experience are to build my confidence in living abroad, taking safe risks, and exploring this region of the world, as I have always wanted to have an extended stay in South America.

Nelson: I hope to vastly improve my German skills, while learning more about teaching languages and applying my knowledge from my thesis on inclusive teaching in language classrooms. 

What was the process like and what advice do you have for students thinking about applying?

Mace: The overall application process was long and required a lot of forethought. You’ll need multiple letters of recommendations, two full essays, a few short essays, lots of personal information to gather, and potentially a language evaluation. My advice for students would be to start working on these application components as early as possible. Another piece of advice that I have would be for students to find a mentor, whether that be within the International and National Fellowship office or a professor that you have worked with. My mentor helped to hold me accountable and get everything done in time. She also gave great advice on the process, and kept my spirits high while waiting for the responses from the Fulbright commission.

Nelson: What was really helpful for me was starting the application process early and reflect not only on why you are applying to Fulbright but also why you chose the country you did. Also make sure to take advantage of the resources that you have like professors and the fellowships office when applying and if you're on the fence about applying go for it.

Ritter: The process itself is not necessarily hard, but it is time consuming. You should start thinking about applying about a year in advance. Choose a country that you have a connection to (through travel, study abroad, research, etc.) and write about how that country and culture has influenced your personal development. Emphasizing your own story and perspective in your essays is crucial. Avoid generic language and strive to make your essays stand out by infusing them with your own voice, experiences, and reflections.