Go Big Grad: Linda Acho

Photo Credit: Go Big Grad Linda Acho
Mon, 12/11/2023 - 10:46

Majors: Biochemistry, microbiology
Minor: Chemistry
Hometown: Bamenda, Cameroon

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?
Graduating from Nebraska represents growth and accomplishment. It marks embracing opportunities, building connections, and gaining valuable knowledge and experiences and most especially, it means new beginnings.

Transformational moment
BIOC 435. My Capstone class made me see the connections between what I had learned and the outside world like I had not seen before.


  • PUMP Mentor
  • African Student Association
  • Love Library Student Worker

Plans after graduation
A gap year traveling and working in industry.

"After graduation, I am most looking forward to ___."

"The best thing about being a Husker is ___."
The community and people you get to meet.

Thank you message
Thank you so much Dr. Sayer for your patience and walk with me through the entirety of my time here at UNL.